Crucible (140 pts)

Problem encrypted.txt


  1. Our goal is to decrypt the encrypted.txt file and get the plaintext flag
  2. First, we must understand what the encryption process it:
    1. Sets curr equal to the integer array of the flag's ordinal values
    2. Generates some matrix, matrix, based on the flag length
    3. Sets inv equal to the matrix inverse of matrix
    4. Repeats 100 times:
      1. Some array transformation on curr:
      2. temp = [curr[0]] + [Decimal(2) * curr[x + 1] + r * (curr[x] - Decimal(2) * curr[x + 1] + curr[x + 2]) for x in range(n - 2)] + [curr[n - 1]]
      3. sets curr equal to the matrix multiplication of inv and temp
    5. Outputs curr
  3. We can now decrypt with the following procedure:
    1. Let curr equal the ciphertext array
    2. Repeat 100 times:
      1. temp= Undo the array transformation on curr, it is reversible!
      2. set curr to the matrix multiplication of matrix and temp, to undo the matrix multiplication because matrix is the inverse of inv
    3. Round each element in curr to the nearest integer, then convert each integer to a character based on ordinal values

My implementation of this decryption procedure is below:

from decimal import *
from matrix import *
from z3 import *

getcontext().prec = 500

rd = Decimal(0.5)

encrypted = open('encrypted.txt').read()
encrypted = encrypted.replace("[","").replace("]","").replace("Decimal(","").replace(")","").replace("'","").split(", ")

encrypted = [Decimal(x) for x in encrypted]
size = len(encrypted)

matrix = [[0 for x in range(size)] for y in range(size)]
for i in range(size):
    if i == 0:
        matrix[i] = [2 + 2 * rd, -rd] + [Decimal(0)] * (size - 2)
    elif i == size - 1:
        matrix[i] = [Decimal(0)] * (size - 2) + [-rd, 2 + 2 * rd]
        matrix[i] = [Decimal(0)] * (i - 1) + [-rd, 2 + 2 * rd, -rd] + [Decimal(0)] * (size - i - 2)

inv = invert(matrix)

alph = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
varlist = []
for char in alph:

def undo_transform(curr):
    solver = Solver()
    solver.add(varlist[0] == curr[0])
    solver.add(varlist[-1] == curr[-1])
    for var in range(len(curr)-2):
        solver.add(Decimal(2) * varlist[var+1] + rd*(varlist[var] - Decimal(2) * varlist[var+1] + varlist[var+2])==curr[var+1])
    model = solver.model()
    ret = [0]*26
    for decl in model.decls():
        name =
        sol = model[decl]
        ret[alph.index(name)] = Decimal(sol.as_decimal(500)[:-1])
    return ret

for step in range(100):
    print step
    encrypted = mult(matrix, encrypted)
    encrypted = undo_transform(encrypted)

encrypted = [chr(int(x.to_integral_value())) for x in encrypted]
print encrypted

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